Pour son neuvième album, “Now Is Not A Good Time”, le songwriter français Boris Paillard a parcouru l’Amérique du Nord en Megabus entre 2014 et 2015 pour partir à la rencontre de plus de vingt musiciens à Los Angeles, Providence, Denver et sa ville adoptive de l’époque : Toronto.
Il ressort de ces différentes sessions en studio une dizaine de chansons riches et variées, souvent bricolées en quelques jours lors d’un processus bousculé par l’urgence de séjours éphémères. Cordes, cuivres et choeurs sont comme toujours au rendez-vous, et les chansons s’ornent aussi pour la première fois de pianos, d’orgues et de guitares électriques. Les paroles restent au centre du propos de l’artiste, alternant entre explorations introspectives et commentaires sociaux.
L’album sort en CD pressé dans un format inédit : un livre-objet regroupant paroles, crédits, photos de studios et collages originaux de l’auteur-compositeur, agrémenté d’une couverture sérigraphiée artisanale.
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Boris Paillard and his musical project The Keys are yet another interesting paradox in the Another Record roster !
The Keys travels the world as a lone songwriter with semi-formed songs in mind, but that’s only to make random encounters easier. Most recently, there has been some lovely ones in Southern Wales, where he put together another temporary band bursting with talent.
« You Can’t Beat Me If I’m Not Playing » (his 8th album) was recorded during the winter of 2013 around Swansea in the company of a dozen brilliant local musicians (including horns, strings and backing vocals), often met thanks to pure luck. His labelmates Odran Trümmel and Andy Lévêque, as well as French troubadour Sammy Decoster, were also invited to the recording party of this collection, which lies somewhere between Folk ’n’ Roll and Edgy Pop.
Now at the end of this collaborative and international process, the album, mixed by Bill Moriarty (Dr Dog, Man Man, The Sheepdogs…) and mastered by Carl Saff (Frog Eyes, Purling Hiss, Papier Tigre…) is ready to make its way into your ears!
For his ninth album « Now Is Not A Good Time », french songwriter Boris Paillard went across northern america by Megabus in 2014 and 2015 to meet with 20 musicians in LA, Providence, Denver and his then hometown Toronto. From those different sessions we now get 10 songs that were recorded in a few days in the urgency of such ephemeral stays. Strings, horns and choirs are as usual on the menu and also for a first time with pianos, organs and electric guitars. The lyrics though remainthe core of the project being introspective speculations of social comments.
The album is released in an unuasual format, as a book with lyrics, studio photos and original collages from the songwriter, along with an artisanal serigraph cover.